Error: "Script parse failed, please fix the errors before scanning" when opening the Design Studio in the LoadRunner VuGen 11.5x

  • KM00423368
  • 07-May-2013
  • 18-Mar-2014


A parsing error is reported for scripts that containvariables that reference typedef declarations as this is not supported in VuGen. A workaround is provided.


A VuGen script contains a variable declaration which uses a type that is declared in a typedef. For example, a header file may have the following typedef:

typedef int regoff_t;

typedef struct {
  regoff_t rm_so;
  regoff_t rm_eo;
} regmatch_t;

and the script then includes a variable declaration as follows:

regmatch_t arr[100];

When this script is opened in the Design Studio in the LoadRunner VuGen 11.5x, the following error is displayed:

Script parse failed, please fix the errors before scanning

In addition the script "Error" tab displays:

Syntax error, unexpected IDENTIFIER, wrong token = <variable name>


The VuGen parser does not currently support referencing a typedef that is declared in a script.


A possible workaround is to replace the typedef with a struct declaration with an empty tag in the header file, for example:

struct rm_struct {
  int rm_so;
  int rm_eo;

and change the variable definition in the script to use the struct and not the typedef:

struct rm_struct arr[100];