Cannot connect to Asset Manager DB - hosted on an Oracle RAC

  • KM00385256
  • 15-Mar-2013
  • 18-Apr-2018


Cannot connect to Asset Manager DB - hosted on an Oracle RAC


Cannot connect to Asset Manager DB when the DB is hosted on an Oracle RAC


In the Developers Guide it is possible to find the steps you need to follow in order to connect to Oracle RAC using user name (schema), password and a connection string URL. You can modify the AM adapter with those steps.

To define this, edit the AM adapter's XML parameters section as follows:
<!--The description attribute may be written in simple text or HTML.-->
<!--The host attribute is treated as a special case by CMDBRTSM-->
<!--and will automatically select the probe name (if possible)-->
<!--according to this attribute's value.-->
<!--Display name and description may be overwritten by I18N values-->
<parameter name="url" display-name="Connection String"type="string" description="The connection string to connect to the database" mandatory="true" order-index="10" />
<parameter name="credentialsId" display-name="Credentials ID" type="integer" description="The credentials to be used" mandatory="true" order-index="12" />
An example of a URL that connects to an Oracle RAC using the out-of-the- box Data Direct
driver is: