Data Protector (DP) - ECC Causes Device Error

  • KM00383835
  • 13-Mar-2013
  • 03-Nov-2016

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Implementation of Encrypted Communications Control on the cell Manager caused devices not to be recognized


[Critical] From: BMA@mysys"SUN06_LTO4_LIB2015_D1016"  Time: 4/23/2012 1:00:12 AM
[90:59]   mysys:/dev/rchgr/autoch9
 Cannot open exchanger control device (Details unknown.)

[Warning] From: BMA@myma "PHPDPM_LTO4_LIB1000_D0"  Time: 4/20/2012 6:38:00 PM
      The device "PHPDPM_LTO4_LIB1000_D0" could not be opened("Device could not be accessed")

[Critical] From: BMA@myma "PHPDPM_LTO4_LIB1000_D0"  Time: 4/20/2012 6:38:01 PM
[90:1004]   Device address not found.

Also, 'devbra -dev' is not showing all drives


Encrypted Communications Control (ECC) had been implemented on the Cell Manager, but not on this client.


The ECC has to be enabled on the clients in the cell if it is enabled on the Cell Manager.