There could be many scenarios, and you need to review the information at:
The reasonable definition of the problem can be found in the Log Rotation Section from the address above. The defination states:
"On even a moderately busy server, the quantity of information stored in the log files is very large. The access log file typically grows 1 MB or more per 10,000 requests. "
Although there are several methods of the workaround/fix options, you should look at the following link for a better understanding of your options:
Here are a few examples:
You will need to remove or shrink the access.log from \WebServer\logs directory to help performance.
If you want to delete the logs, you will need to do the following:
Stop the Apache services
Delete the log file
Start the Apache services
Stop the Apache services
Comment out the line in the httpd.conf file (as above)
Start the Apache services