Can the UCMDB Universal Discovery Mapping Options be configured to OS Installed applications in scan file be mapped to InstalledSoftware CI?

  • KM00323892
  • 24-Jan-2013
  • 29-Aug-2013


The RAW OS Installed Software can be checked for this however, please make sure you are changing the Include to send all the applications since by default it is set to exclude all. Please review the further details.


  • Can the UCMDB Universal Discovery Mapping Options be configured to OS Installed applications in scan file be mapped to InstalledSoftware CI?
  • Can both the Normalized Software and the RAW OS Installed Applications options be used?


Here is a brief explanation of this page and its options:
The default is to use the “Normalizes Installed Software” which refers SAI recognized applications in the scan file. It is populated to the InstalledSoftware CI.  The options under is allows us to include the “partially recognized” applications and include or exclude applications that you want. By default anything recognized is included, so you can exclude some applications if you want. The exclusions and inclusions have to be done using regular expressions.  This is the note from the documentation for the regular expressions in these fields:
Important information
·        Select options that send software data that is collected by the Scanner and contained in scan files to UCMDB.
·        Click to list the mapping options when scanner-based inventory discovery is selected.
·        When writing regular expressions, observe the following guidelines:
Enter a semicolon-separated regular expression. The following attributes are available:
The dot character is allowed. For example, "a.c" matches "abc". Additionally, the asterisk character is allowed. For example, "ab*c" matches "ac", "abc", and "abbbc".
For example, assume you type the following string (ignore quotes): "name=my.*;discovered_vendor=HP;version=1.*;description=UCMDB".
In this example, applications are included or excluded if the application name begins with the characters "my", the vendor name matches "HP" exactly, the version number begins with "1", and the description string matches "UCMDB" exactly.
For more information, see the section describing regular expressions in the HP Universal CMDB Modeling Guide.

For the “Raw OS Installed Applications” option this option refers to the hwOSInstalledApps in the scan file and for example in Windows it is the Add/Remove programs data. This option can be checked as well. This data will also be sent to the Installed Software CI. However, the data will not be sent unless you identify in Include option what applications you want. This is because by default it will EXCLUDE ALL the data coming from Raw OS Installed software. In case you want EVERYTHING to be imported from the “Raw OS Installed Applications” you will need to check the option and then in the include type a regular expression something like: name=.*.  This way all the applications found in the OS Installed part of the scan file will be imported to the Installed Software CI. NOTE: Please be cautious in using the “include all” since there can be a very large number of applications especially for UNIX systems in the OS Installed applications which can cause issues.  You can use and check both of these options, Normalized Software, and Raw OS software. Again to include and exclude the applications regular expressions can be used in these fields as they are explained above. Please check the important note from the Documentation. In this case you will have to be careful since you can end up with duplicate applications in the database.  Also, the method in which the applications are recognized would be populated to the InstalledSoftware. RecognitionLevel attribute so there is no need to create and populate a different attribute.