Error During during SmartConnector installation:"Call to DLLRegisterServer failed with error code 0x8000ffff"

  • KM00283822
  • 07-Jan-2013
  • 07-Jan-2013

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KM03787382 Error During during SmartConnector installation:"Call to DLLRegisterServer failed with error code 0x8000ffff"


I copied a DLL file for SmartConnector installation.  I get the following error during the  SmartConnector installation:

Call to DLLRegisterServer failed with error code 0x8000ffff

What is the problem?


The error occurs when a DLL file is not registered on Windows.


1. Login as the administrator account for the Windows host.

2. Execute the regsvr32 command, as follows:

regsvr32 dbodbc11.dll

3. Try the installation again.