Responsibilities Matrix can be edited with two ways.
- Using AdminUI GUI
- Using opccfguser command
Using AdminUI GUI
Following explains steps to edit Responsibilities Matrix with AdminUI GUI.
1. Access AdminUI with Web browser and login as a user which have administrator privilege.
2. Click OMU icon.
3. Click Browse menu.
4. Select "All users".
Lists of users are shown.
5. Select a user and click Action button of the user.
6. Select "Edit Responsibilities...".
Responsibilities Matrix is shown. Edit the matrix by clicking the check boxes.
7. Click Save button to save the setting changes.
Using opccfguser command
Following explains steps to edit Responsibilities Matrix with opccfguser command.
1. Login to Operations Manager UNIX(OMU) server with a user which have administrator privilege.
2. Confirm current configuration by running opccfguser command with following options.
/opt/OV/bin/OpC/opccfguser -listrespons_user <USER>
Confirm current configuration of user "opc_adm".
/opt/OV/bin/OpC/opccfguser -listrespons_user opc_adm
Responsibilities of the user are shown.
3. Edit Responsibilities Matrix by running opccfguser command with following options.
3.1. Deassign responsibilities to a user listed after the option -user
for node group listed after the option -node_group
and for message group listed after the option -msg_grp.
/opt/OV/bin/OpC/opccfguser -verbose \
-deassign_respons_user -user <USER> \
-node_group -list <NODEGROUP> \
-msg_group -list <MSGGROUP>
Deassign responsibilities to a user "opc_adm"
for node group "HPUX" and for message group "Application".
# /opt/OV/bin/OpC/opccfguser -verbose \
> -deassign_respons_user -user opc_adm \
> -node_group -list HPUX \
> -msg_group -list Application
Deassigning responsibilities in progress...
Please wait...
Responsibility for node group HPUX and message group Application deassigned
successfully from user opc_adm.
3.2. Assign responsibilities to a user listed after the option -user
for node group listed after the option -node_group
and for message group listed after the option -msg_grp.
/opt/OV/bin/OpC/opccfguser -verbose \
-assign_respons_user -user <USER> \
-node_group -list <NODEGROUP> \
-msg_group -list <MSGGROUP>
Assign responsibilities to a user "opc_adm"
for node group "HPUX" and for message group "Application".
# /opt/OV/bin/OpC/opccfguser -verbose \
> -assign_respons_user -user opc_adm \
> -node_group -list HPUX \
> -msg_group -list Application
Assigning responsibilities in progress...
Please wait...
Responsibility for node group HPUX and message group Application assigned
successfully to user opc_adm.
4. Confirm current configuration again using command explained in step 2.