INFO: HyperV target VM requires Legacy NICs enabled

  • 7970602
  • 17-Jul-2009
  • 26-Apr-2012


PlateSpin Portability Suite




This article explains the requirements for HyperV target VM NIC configuration when used with the PlateSpin Portability Suite.

Applies to: Portability Suite


To allow for P2V conversions to HyperV target host machines a VM must first be created on the HyperV host. The VM is then booted with PlateSpin's WinPE ISO to simulate a P2P conversion.

WinPE requires that Legacy network adapters be installed on the VM.

To install Legacy NICs:

1. Create the VM as desired.

2. Edit the settings of the newly created VM.

3. Remove the network adapter.

4. Add a new Legacy Network Adapter.

5. Ensure that the new adapter is connected to the external network.

6. Boot with the WinPE ISO and continue with the conversion setup.

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