How to export and import PlateSpin Migrate/Protect/Forge database

  • 7970601
  • 17-Jul-2009
  • 27-Feb-2019


PlateSpin Protect 10.x, 11.x 
PlateSpin Forge 3.x, 11.x
PlateSpin Migrate 9.x, 11.x, 12.x, 2018.11 and up


During upgrades or when re-installing the PlateSpin Forge/Migrate/Protect software it is recommended that the database be exported to minimize potential data loss.


PlateSpin Protect 10.x and Forge 3.x :


1. Open a command prompt and navigate to:

..\PlateSpin Protect Server\PlateSpin Forge\bin\ImportExport
D:\Program Files\PlateSpin Forge Server\PlateSpin Forge\bin\ImportExport

2. Execute the following command:

ImportExportAll.bat /export C:\temp

If using Protect 10.2, the /dir flag is required:
ImportExportAll.bat /export /dir=c:\temp
If this command returns an error stating that there are 1 or more running jobs, please contact support for assistance

3. The data will now be exported to C:\temp


1. Open a command prompt and navigate to:

..\PlateSpin Protect Server\PlateSpin Forge\bin\ImportExport
D:\Program Files\PlateSpin Forge Server\PlateSpin Forge\bin\ImportExport

2. Execute the following command:

ImportExportAll.bat /import /dir=C:\temp

If using Protect 10.2, the /dir flag is required:
ImportExportAll.bat /export /dir=c:\temp
3. Once the import is complete connect to the Protect or Forge web user interface to confirm the data is intact

Note: If the command gives an error indicating it cannot find the XML files, then try provide the path in quotes (ImportExportAll.bat /import "C:\temp").

Platespin Migrate 9.x and up :


1. Launch a command prompt and browse to ..\PlateSpin Migrate Server\bin

2. Execute the following command:

PlateSpin.ImportExport.exe /export /forceall /dir=c:\temp

If this command returns an error stating that there are 1 or more running jobs, please contact support for assistance

3. If other networks exist which need to be recovered, not including Sample Environment, this command has to be run for each network using the following syntax:

PlateSpin.ImportExport.exe /export /forceall /network=[NetworkName] /dir=c:\temp\[NetworkName]

Where [NetworkName] is the name of the network to be exported, without brackets


If your original PlateSpin Migrate Server used only the Default Network, these steps will re-create the Default Network in the new PlateSpin Migrate Server:

1. Open the Migrate client

2. Double click “Network: Default” in the status bar at the bottom of window

3. Add a network called Temp

4. Select Default in the list below and click Delete

5. Click OK

6. Open a Command Prompt

7. Navigate to ..\PlateSpin Migrate Server\bin

8. Execute the following command:

PlateSpin.ImportExport.exe /import /forceall /dir="C:\temp"

9. Double click on "Network: Temp" in the PlateSpin Migrate client

10. Select Default and click Ok

11. Double click on "Network: Default"

12. Select Temp and click Delete

To import the data into a custom network, run the command below:

PlateSpin.ImportExport.exe /import /forceall /dir="C:\temp" /network=NETWORKNAME

This command will create a new Network called NETWORKNAME.

Additional Information

For information on exporting Platespin PortabilitySuite database, please refer to Novell KB 7921083 (link below).