This article outlineshow to resolve the error below when taking control of the target virtual machine:
Preparing Files | |
Type | RequiresUserIntervention |
ReportCode | HttpsFailedToPutFile |
KB Link | http://support.platespin.com/kb2/login.aspx?errorCodes=HttpsFailedToPutFile |
Name | Failed to put file from C:\Program Files\PlateSpin Portability Suite Server\Controller\Packages\0\c5506436-36fd-44df-860c-156284138bd5\1\winpe.iso to https://<ESX SERVER>/folder/platespin/portabilitysuite/<ESX USER>/<PLATESPIN SERVER>/<PLATESPIN GUID>/packages/c5506436-36fd-44df-860c-156284138bd5/1/winpe.iso?dsName=<ESX SERVER> |
Reason | The operation has timed out |
Message | Https put file failed: Failed to put file from C:\Program Files\PlateSpin Portability Suite Server\Controller\Packages\0\c5506436-36fd-44df-860c-156284138bd5\1\winpe.iso to https://<ESX SERVER>/folder/platespin/portabilitysuite/<ESX USER>/<PLATESPIN SERVER>/<PLATESPIN GUID>/packages/c5506436-36fd-44df-860c-156284138bd5/1/winpe.iso?dsName=<ESXSERVER> . Reason: The operation has timed out |
This issue normally occurs when there is a slow WAN connection between the Portability Suite server and target ESX server. The copy process of the WinPE ISO used by the target virtual machine times out.
To work around this issue, please follow the steps below. These steps will pre-populate the ESX server with the WinPE ISO, subsequent jobs will find the ISO and skip the copy portion.
Connect to the target ESX server from the Portability Suite server using VIC
Use the datastore browser to find the appropriate location on the datastore. It will be something like this (this can be taken directly from the diagnostics or error message):
/platespin/portabilitysuite/<ESX USER>/<PS SERVER NAME>/<PS SERVER GUID>/packages/c5506436-36fd-44df-860c-156284138bd5/1/winpe.iso
Through the datastore browser, upload the WinPE ISO to that location. It must be the WinPE found here:
C:\Program Files\PlateSpin Portability Suite Server\Controller\Packages\0\c5506436-36fd-44df-860c-156284138bd5\1\winpe.iso
Once the upload of the ISO is successful, run the job again.
*NOTE - The datastore browser must be used to upload the file, using WinSCP or another tool can result in a mismatch in file sizes between the ESX and Portabiltiy Suite Server, resulting in the file being copied again.