When the ADAM instance, which is registered for SecureLogin is unavailable, SecureLogin scans the SCP list to find another ADAM instance to connect to, even if this instance is not configured with the SecureLogin production settings.
HKLM\Software\Protocom\SecureLogin\IgnoreADAMSCP DWORD
If registry key is not present or set to 0, SecureLogin scans the SCP list to find another ADAM instance to connect to.
Additional Information
Root Cause
Several ADAM instances can be pointing at the same directory but only one of them contains the production SSO settings for users. The default instance for SSO is registered against SecureLogin at installation time, and all other instances are listed in the SCP object.
By default, when the ADAM instance, which is registered for SecureLogin is unavailable, SecureLogin scans the SCP list to find another ADAM instance to connect to. However, this other instance may not be configured with the SecureLogin production settings and applications. Consequently, SecureLogin should not connect to this specific instance.