SecureLogin SSOSSO – 6.1 with FIXC0808001 and above
SSO – All. Internet Browsers: FireFox 2.0 – 3.x
Can SecureLogin use the same credential set to single sign multiple realms or domains in Firefox?
Yes. This can be done by adding the predefined FireFox CredentialSelection application definition and using ?FFCredential to store the named credential set for the specific realms or domains, as shown below.
##===========Example Script=============== If ?FFDomain eq "mynetwork.com" Set ?FFCredential MySecretNetwork Endif If ?FFDomain eq "house.com" Set ?FFCredential MySecretNetwork Endif If ?FFDomain eq "house.net" Set ?FFCredential MySecretNetwork Endif ##===========Example Script===============
For more information regarding the "FirefoxCredentialSelection" application definition, please see knowledge base article: