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How do I interpret 800xxxxx errors?
800xxxxx errors (with SecureLogin) are usually caused by a communications problem between SecureLogin and the MS COM layer.
A full listing of error codes can be found at:
There is no easy answer on how to diagnose or fix the 800xxxxx errors. The errors can be caused by a number of issues ranging from a timing problem within an application definition to a problem with the registration of MS COM.
You can download the Windows Error Lookup Tool (welt.exe) from:
Issues we have experienced:
80040002: Problem with MS COM re-registering oleaut32.dll fixed the issue.
8007000E: Event viewer full/disk full clearing the event viewer has helped.
80070005: Timing issue within 6.0.x SecureLogin code. Fixed from 6.0.103 onwards.
Further information
Recently testing has found that a corrupted Group Policy may cause timing and COM related errors.
To test whether there is a problem with one of the group policies you can:
- Login normally;
- If you receive an 800xxxxx error;
- Close ALL SL services (slproto.exe, slwinsso.exe, slbroker.exe);
- Navigate to c:\documents and settings\user name\application data\securelogin\grouppolicies;
- Delete or rename the first policy (from *.xml to *.old);
- Start slproto.exe manually (Start/Run/slproto.exe) see if the error still occurs;
- If it does error (again make sure all services are ended) navigate back to the directory and delete or rename the second policy;
- Again start slproto.exe manually and see if the error occurs;
- If the error does reoccur continue on until all policies have been deleted or renamed;
- If you are still receiving errors after deleting or renaming all policies, please contact ActivIdentity Support.