Novell SecureLogin
NetIQ SecureLogin
User changes focus by clicking away from application while SecureLogin script is executing
Use the keyboard and lock utilities available from Novell Support to prevent the user from using the keyboard or mouse while SecureLogin is executing an application defiintion script. These utilities can be copied to the SecureLogin programs directory and can then be used to prevent users from using the keyboard while a SecureLogin application definition is running.
The following commands lock the keyboard and mouse:
Run "C:\Program Files\Novell\SecureLogin\KeyboardLck.exe" /lock
Run "C:\Program Files\Novell\SecureLogin\MouseLock.exe" /lock
The following commands unlock the keyboard and mouse:
Run "C:\Program Files\Novell\SecureLogin\KeyboardLck.exe" /unlock
Run "C:\Program Files\Novell\SecureLogin\MouseLock.exe" /unlock
Alternatively, you can lock the keyboard for a specified period of time (instead of issuing an "unlock" command) with commands such as the following:
Run "C:\Program Files\Novell\SecureLogin\KeyboardLck.exe" /lock 2000
Run "C:\Program Files\Novell\SecureLogin\MouseLock.exe" /lock 2000
The above command locks keyboard and mouse for 2 seconds (2000 miliseconds). If no time is specified the lock remains in force for 5 seconds, or until the unlock command is run - whichever comes first.
** NOTE: The keyboard must be unlocked for SecureLogin Type commands to operate. **
Contact Novell Support for the lock utility.