Do you have a sample header for comments within an application definition?

  • 7940662
  • 19-Aug-2009
  • 30-Jan-2014


SecureLogin SSO



Do you have a sample header for comments within an application definition?


To assist with version control and to make application definitions easy to follow, you should always use comments. The following provides an example of a header that is typically placed at the top of the application definition.

It includes information such as;

  • who edited it (for accountability - do not use organization names as you will not know who to chase up) and why.
  • application type e.g. Windows, Advanced Web, Generic etc.
  • information on when it passed testing etc.
  • + or - to signify if something was added or removed
# Name: Finance Application # 
# ID: # 
# Type: Advanced Web # 
# # 
# Script Version: 1.1 # 
# Created By: MCarroll 26 Oct 2006 # 
# Last Updated By: MKeefe 12 Nov 2006 # 
# Comments: # 
# # 
# Allow Web page to load while application definition is running=Yes # 
# # 
# History: # 
# # 
# 26 Oct 2006 MCarroll + Application definition 1.0 # 
# 12 Nov 2006 MKeefe + Passwords now changed automatically 1.1 # 
# 12 Nov 2006 MKeefe Ready for Testing in Development # 
# 16 Nov 2006 PRussell Passed Testing in Development #
# 16 Nov 2006 MCarroll Ready for Testing in Production # 
# 20 Nov 2006 PRussell Passed Testing in Production # 
# 23 Nov 2006 MKeefe Ready for Deployment # 




To assist with version control and to make application definitions easy to follow, you should always use comments. The following provides an example of a header that is typically placed at the top of the application definition.

It includes information such as;

  • who edited it (for accountability - do not use organization names as you will not know who to chase up) and why.
  • application type e.g. Windows, Advanced Web, Generic etc.
  • information on when it passed testing etc.
  • + or - to signify if something was added or removed

# Name: Finance Application # 
# ID: # 
# Type: Advanced Web # 
# #
# Script Version: 1.1 # 
# Created By: MCarroll 26 Oct 2006 # 
# Last Updated By: MKeefe 12 Nov 2006 # 
# Comments: # 
# # 
# Allow Web page to load while application definition is running=Yes # 
# # 
# History: # 
# # 
# 26 Oct 2006 MCarroll + Application definition 1.0 # 
# 12 Nov 2006 MKeefe + Passwords now changed automatically 1.1 # 
# 12 Nov 2006 MKeefe Ready for Testing in Development # 
# 16 Nov 2006 PRussell Passed Testing in Development # 
# 16 Nov 2006 MCarroll Ready for Testing in Production # 
# 20 Nov 2006 PRussell Passed Testing in Production # 
# 23 Nov 2006 MKeefe Ready for Deployment # 