How can I configure a Web based terminal emulators when Terminal Launcher can only launch executables, and not web pages?
How would you implement the emulator configuration?
You can configure the emulator in terminal Launcher not to launch the emulator and run tlaunch.exe as a background process until the emulator has loaded manually by the user or batch file. Upon manual launch of the emulator, Terminal Launcher will match the criteria in the configuration with the emulator and execute the script.
To configure tlaunch.exe to run as a background process for a particular Terminal emulator configuration parameters are added on to the Terminal Launcher shortcut that is created through Terminal Launcher:
/b -> Run tlaunch.exe as a background process /s -> Suppress any errors
/s is needed as Terminal Launcher will produce an error stating that it cannot launch the emulator, so that error needs to be suppressed.
A Terminal Launcher shortcut would look like:
C:\Program File\ProtocomSecureLogin\TLaunch.exe /auto /eEmulator /pTest /s /b /q
To implement the configuration and make the tlaunch.exe process only run as a background process for a short time, create a batch file that executes the Terminal Launcher shortcut and then launches the web page. This would be ideal as then tlaunch.exe does not have to wait for the user to user to manually launch the webpage.
The contents of the batch file would be:
“C:\Program File\ProtocomSecureLogin\TLaunch.exe” /auto /eEmulator /pTest /s /b /q “C:\Program Files\Internet Exploreri\explore.exe” http://Terminalemulator.html”
This batch file would be the user’s launching pad to open the emulator which would single sign them in to web based emulator.