Novell SecureLogin
Office 2003 Single Sign-On enabled the Internet Explorer basic authentication window. Although web sites launched from IE SSO perfectly, when a user clicks on a link (e.g. Help) from Powerpoint or Word, they are prompted for their credentials.
A different executable “owns” the basic authentication window in Internet Explorer and Winword etc. IEXPLORE.EXE handles web sites launched from within Internet Explorer, while using the Window Finder (SecureLogin tool) displays WINWORD.EXE and POWERPNT.EXE as the source of the logon prompts when links are accessed from those applications.
In the case of Windows applications, SecureLogin uses the executable name as the trigger to start SSO.
Create WINWORD.EXE and POWERPNT.EXE application definitions and include the IEXPLORE.EXE by adding the following line to both definitions:
Create WINWORD.EXE and POWERPNT.EXE application definitions and include the IEXPLORE.EXE by adding the following line to both definitions: