SecureLogin SSO
SecureLogin configured to run in ADAM mode.
The following steps were completed:
- Ran Microsoft’s ADAMSetup.exe on the DC to setup the ADAM instance.
- Ran ADAMConfig.exe to configure SecureLogin to run on ADAM (ADAMConfig.exe extends the ADAM Schema, copy the user information from ADS to ADAM and assign the rights for SecureLogin to run).
- Installed SecureLogin in ADAM Mode on the AD server
- Installed SecureLogin in ADAM Mode on the workstation
- Created a new user in the Users container using AD Users and Computers.
When the new user logged on, they were authenticated to the domain but when SecureLogin tried to load in ADAM mode, the following error appeared;
“You are not logged in to a directory and SecureLogin was not able to find any cached user data”
The user was created after ADAMConfig.Exe was run so no data existed for the user in ADAM.
The ADAMConfig.exe tool can be re-ran with the ONLY selected option to:
- Create ADAM partitions and synchronize objects from Microsoft Active Directory to ADAM Instance
The user was then able to set a passphrase and SecureLogin loaded normally.
Additional Information
ADAM mode enables the administrator to run SecureLogin without extending the Active Directory schema.
When ADAMConfig.Exe is run, it synchronizes the AD user with the ADAM instance. AD and ADAM need to replicate user data and the customer should contact their Microsoft Active Directory team to configure replication to occur between AD and ADAM so the problem doesn’t occur in the future.
When ADAMConfig.Exe is run, it synchronizes the AD user with the ADAM instance. AD and ADAM need to replicate user data and the customer should contact their Microsoft Active Directory team to configure replication to occur between AD and ADAM so the problem doesn’t occur in the future.