The SSO administrator is enabling an application and is using a Directory Variable (e.g. %CN, %Full_Name) in a SecureLogin startup script. Directory variables such as %CN can be used to dynamically interrogate the Directory for information. For example, the following line would invoke a MessageBox and substitute %CN for the user object’s CN e.g. MichaelC.
MessageBox ""Welcome, you have logged on using a Biometric and are authenticated, "" %CN
When they start SecureLogin the following error appears (where x indicates the line that includes the %CN);
BROKER_DS_VARIABLE_NOT_READ(-180): Error executing script line x.
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Root Cause
SecureLogin includes offline mode for situations where the network is not available (e.g. laptop users, if the network is down etc.). However, SecureLogin can only query Directory Variables when it is connected to the Directory.
Scripts that may run in offline mode should not include %Directory Variables.
Edit the section of the script and remove the %CN reference.