How can I audit user access to applications via SecureLogin Single Sign-On?

  • 7940259
  • 19-Aug-2009
  • 17-Jan-2014

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How can I audit user access to applications via SecureLogin Single Sign-On?



SecureLogin Singe Sign-On provides monitoring functionality via SNMP trapping, Windows Event Logging, writing data to a file and via SMTP. Supporting these auditing tools provides administrators with the freedom and flexibility to choose their preferred auditing application and allows them to integrate event monitoring with their current practice, thereby reducing maintenance and configuration overheads.

SNMP – Alerts can be sent from the SecureLogin client to SNMP console. Please refer to the Knowledge base articl on auditing SecureLogin enabled applications via SNMP.

SMTP – Alerts can be sent via SMTP, using third party mail software. Please refer to knowledge base article: Auditing SecureLogin enabled applications via SMTP.

Logging to the Application Event log - Log to the application event log. Please refer to knowledge base article: Auditing SecureLogin enabled applications via the event log.

Logging to a file - Log events such as logins, invalid logins to a file (e.g. txt file stored on a shared network drive).