When I logout of a particular web site, SSO logs back on. How can SecureLogin handle a web site that loops in this way?

  • 7940224
  • 19-Aug-2009
  • 16-Jan-2014

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SecureLogin SSO
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When I logout of the site, SSO logs back on. How can SecureLogin handle a web site that loops in this way?



By default, SecureLogin is configured to SSO to a site when the logon page appears. If a user clicks logout, on some sites, they are taken back to the login page. SecureLogin simply sees the login page and logs back on.

This problem can typically be solved by detecting a change in the URL or text on the screen when the user clicks logout. To prevent looping, once you have detected the text or URL change, you can advise the user they have been logged out and use GoToURL to redirect them to the Intranet home page or simply end the script using EndScript, whichever you prefer.

In the example below, if the word ""Logout"" exists in the URL when the users logs off, this section of the script will run and prevent looping.

#============================================================# # Reads the URL from the web page and set to temp variable # #============================================================# GetURL ?YahooURL #===============================# # URL includes the word Logout # #===============================# If ""Logout"" -In ?YahooURL GoToURL ""http://Intranet"" EndScript EndIf #===============# # Logon Prompt # #===============# If -Text ""Enter Username"" Type $Username #1 Type $Password #2 Submit EndIf

Another option would be to use the following to search for text that appears on the logout page, but not the login page (some sites don’t change the URL but text appears);

#====================================================# # If the following text appears, user has logged off # #====================================================# If -Text ""You have logged off"" GoToURL ""http://Intranet"" EndScript EndIf #===============# # Logon Prompt # #===============# If -Text ""Enter Username"" Type $Username #1 Type $Password #2 Submit EndIf