I want to SSO enable my application but some of the fields are pre-filled when the application launches (i.e. the application remembers them anyway). How should I handle this?
Can SecureLogin read fields that already have credentials filled and set the variables automatically, rather than prompting the user for them?
When you logon to some applications, the application, even without SSO, has been configured to remember the last username (and/or database etc.) entered. If a user logs on to one of these applications 50 days in a row and only has to enter their password, chances are they probably don’t even know the username because it is already filled in for them. All they have had to do for the last 50 days is simply enter their password and click OK.
For example, by default, earlier versions of Microsoft Outlook Logon (without AD passthrough) prompt already displays the ""User Name: and ""Domain Name:"" fields filled in. The user only has to enter their password and click OK.
To avoid problems with workstation and/or user profiles, we recommend you configure SecureLogin to remember all logon credentials. If SecureLogin remembers them, they will be correct 100% of the time.
If you SSO enable the application, SecureLogin should be configured to remember the username, domain name and password. The first time the application is launched after it is SSO enabled, by default, SecureLogin would prompt the user for all three credentials (SecureLogin must ""learn"" the credentials before it can ""remember"" them). However, more than likely, the user will only know their password.
To solve this problem, you can configure SecureLogin to read and set the pre-filled credentials automatically.
As per the section of the script below, when SecureLogin sees the Login prompt, it simply reads and sets the appropriate variables. The user is then prompted for JUST their password. If logon fails, you can optionally prompt the user to verify all three variables before retrying logon.
#=================# # Logon Prompt # #=================# Dialog Title ""Enter Password"" Ctrl #520 Ctrl #521 Ctrl #522 Ctrl #1 EndDialog #=================================================# # Read and Set the Username and Domain first time #
If -Exists $Username Else ReadText #520 $Username ReadText #522 $Domain EndIf #==========================================# # Enter the Username, Domain and Password #
#==========================================# SetPrompt ""Outlook Username ===>"" Type ""$Username"" #520 SetPrompt ""Outlook Mail Domain ===>"" Type ""$Domain"" #522 SetPrompt ""Outlook Password ===>"" Type ""$Password"" #521 Click #1\r\n SetPrompt ""Please enter your Microsoft Outlook logon credentials.""
When the logon prompt appears, the application definition executes.
If they haven’t been set already, the values of the Username and Domain Name fields are automatically read and stored in the Directory.
Once SecureLogin has all the credentials stored, it will log the user onto the application by entering their Username, Domain and Password and clicking OK.