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To install/uninstall SecureLogin components, the msi parameters: ADDLOCAL and REMOVE are used. For example, the command line below will use the ADDLOCAL parameter to install the ""MAD"" and ""SLoMoz"" features.
msiexec.exe /i “c:\ActivCard SecureLogin Single Sign-On 6-0-0.msi” ADDLOCAL=MAD,SLoMoz,GPO
Below are the msi values to install/uninstall certain SSO components:
MAD – Microsoft Active Directory mode
ADAM – Microsoft Active Directory Application Mode
NDS – Novell NDS/eDirectory mode
LDAP – LDAP Directory mode
GPO : SecureLogin Group Policy component
Java : Java SecureLogin Component
SLoMoz : SecureLogin Firefox plugin.
SmartCard : Enable smartcard support. (note. Must initialise X_CSP and X_SMARTCARDLIB to use this feature.)
Admin : SecureLogin Administration tools
MADAdmin : SecureLogin Active Directory Administration tools.
CitrixClient : SecureLogin gina extension for Microsoft gina
NovellCitrixClient : SecureLogin gina extension for Netware gina
CitrixServer : SecureLogin published application component.
MicrosoftCitrixServer : SecureLogin gina extension for Microsoft gina
NovellCitrixServer : SecureLogin gina extension for Netware gina
If no platform type (e.g. MAD) is installed, Standalone mode will be the default.
To remove a component, the remove parameter is used. The example below will remove the MAD feature. When a mode is removed such as MAD, SecureLogin will be revert back to Standalone mode.
msiexec.exe /i “c:\ActivCard SecureLogin Single Sign-On 5-0-0.msi” REMOVE=MAD
NOTE: The features available are the same as those that appear in the 'Add/Remove Programs' panel, under modify.
Below are correct syntax examples in specifying the msi parameters:
msiexec /qn /i sso.msi
msiexec /i sso.msi /qn
Below are incorrect syntax examples in specifying the msi parameters:
msiexec /i /qn sso.msi
msiexec /qn sso.msi /i
There are many parameters that can be used so look to see which will work best for your environment. For those that would like to keep control away from the users but still let them see there is an application being installed then you may look at the /qn+, /qb+ or the /qb-.
MSIEXEC Parameters:
/qn : Displays no user interface.
/qb : Displays a basic user interface.
/qr : Displays a reduced user interface with a modal dialog box displayed at the end of the installation.
/qf : Displays the full user interface with a modal dialog box displayed at the end.
/qn+ : Displays no user interface, except for a modal dialog box displayed at the end.
/qb+ : Displays a basic user interface with a modal dialog box displayed at the end.
/qb- : Displays a basic user interface with no modal dialog boxes.
For more detailed information on these and other parameters you may go to the following Microsoft web page explaining syntax combinations:
A few examples to keep in mind:
/qn will install and reboot which shows nothing to the user when the installer taking place. A user cannot cancel this.
An example that will install in Active Directory Mode with Admin Tools, Java support, Citrix / Terminal Server support in a Client mode and to run at Startup would be:
msiexec /qn /i “SecureLogin Single Sign-On - Full.msi” X_INSTALLTYPE=""MAD"" X_INSTALLADMIN=""1"" X_INSTALLJAVA=""1"" X_INSTALLCITRIX=”1” X_PLATFORM=”CLIENT” X_RUNATSTARTUP=""1""
/qn+ will install and reboot which shows nothing to the user when the installer taking place. A user cannot cancel this.
/qb+ will install and prompt for a reboot which shows the installer taking place. A user can cancel this.
/qb- will install and reboot which shows the installer taking place. A user can cancel this.
Uninstallation MSIEXEC Parameters
Requires /x instead of /i switch – e.g.
msiexec /qn /x ""SecureLogin Single SignOn.msi"""
To install/uninstall SecureLogin components, the msi parameters: ADDLOCAL and REMOVE are used. For example, the command line below will use the ADDLOCAL parameter to install the ""MAD"" and ""SLoMoz"" features.
msiexec.exe /i “c:\ActivCard SecureLogin Single Sign-On 6-0-0.msi” ADDLOCAL=MAD,SLoMoz,GPO
Below are the msi values to install/uninstall certain SSO components:
MAD – Microsoft Active Directory mode
ADAM – Microsoft Active Directory Application Mode
NDS – Novell NDS/eDirectory mode
LDAP – LDAP Directory mode
GPO : SecureLogin Group Policy component
Java : Java SecureLogin Component
SLoMoz : SecureLogin Firefox plugin.
SmartCard : Enable smartcard support. (note. Must initialise X_CSP and X_SMARTCARDLIB to use this feature.)
Admin : SecureLogin Administration tools
MADAdmin : SecureLogin Active Directory Administration tools.
CitrixClient : SecureLogin gina extension for Microsoft gina
NovellCitrixClient : SecureLogin gina extension for Netware gina
CitrixServer : SecureLogin published application component.
MicrosoftCitrixServer : SecureLogin gina extension for Microsoft gina
NovellCitrixServer : SecureLogin gina extension for Netware gina
If no platform type (e.g. MAD) is installed, Standalone mode will be the default.
To remove a component, the remove parameter is used. The example below will remove the MAD feature. When a mode is removed such as MAD, SecureLogin will be revert back to Standalone mode.
msiexec.exe /i “c:\ActivCard SecureLogin Single Sign-On 5-0-0.msi” REMOVE=MAD
NOTE: The features available are the same as those that appear in the 'Add/Remove Programs' panel, under modify.
Below are correct syntax examples in specifying the msi parameters:
msiexec /qn /i sso.msi
msiexec /i sso.msi /qn
Below are incorrect syntax examples in specifying the msi parameters:
msiexec /i /qn sso.msi
msiexec /qn sso.msi /i
There are many parameters that can be used so look to see which will work best for your environment. For those that would like to keep control away from the users but still let them see there is an application being installed then you may look at the /qn+, /qb+ or the /qb-.
MSIEXEC Parameters:
/qn : Displays no user interface.
/qb : Displays a basic user interface.
/qr : Displays a reduced user interface with a modal dialog box displayed at the end of the installation.
/qf : Displays the full user interface with a modal dialog box displayed at the end.
/qn+ : Displays no user interface, except for a modal dialog box displayed at the end.
/qb+ : Displays a basic user interface with a modal dialog box displayed at the end.
/qb- : Displays a basic user interface with no modal dialog boxes.
For more detailed information on these and other parameters you may go to the following Microsoft web page explaining syntax combinations:
A few examples to keep in mind:
/qn will install and reboot which shows nothing to the user when the installer taking place. A user cannot cancel this.
An example that will install in Active Directory Mode with Admin Tools, Java support, Citrix / Terminal Server support in a Client mode and to run at Startup would be:
msiexec /qn /i “SecureLogin Single Sign-On - Full.msi” X_INSTALLTYPE=""MAD"" X_INSTALLADMIN=""1"" X_INSTALLJAVA=""1"" X_INSTALLCITRIX=”1” X_PLATFORM=”CLIENT” X_RUNATSTARTUP=""1""
/qn+ will install and reboot which shows nothing to the user when the installer taking place. A user cannot cancel this.
/qb+ will install and prompt for a reboot which shows the installer taking place. A user can cancel this.
/qb- will install and reboot which shows the installer taking place. A user can cancel this.
Uninstallation MSIEXEC Parameters
Requires /x instead of /i switch – e.g.
msiexec /qn /x ""SecureLogin Single SignOn.msi""