Can SecureLogin read Directory variables e.g. %CN, %Surname etc?
The % variable can be used for all integer and string attributes available on the user object in the Directory. i.e. %
For example - %CN, %Surname etc.
This will only work if the attribute has a value set against it in the directory, e.g. Surname=Carroll
In addition, if reading an attribute from the Directory, you must be connected to the Directory or it will fail. If you only need to read the variable once, consider adding it to a startup script and only reading it once. For example, the following will check if a value exists and do nothing if it does, or set it (if not).
If -Exists $CN Else Set $CN %CN Endif
In SecureLogin version 3.0.x, this functionality is only available if the SecureLogin Client is set to NDS mode.