We do not want to have to configure SecureLogin Single Sign-On for each user. Where and how would we administer SecureLogin SSO centrally so we are able to define everything for the enterprise in one single location?
SecureLogin has been developed with both large and small organizations in mind. SecureLogin provides a plugin for iManager for an eDirectory environment, a snapin to Microsoft Management Console (MMC) for centrally managing SecureLogin in a Microsoft Active Directory environment, and SecureLogin Manager in other environments such as LDAP v3 compliant Directories.
SecureLogin can be centrally configured (e.g. SSO enable an application for all users in a container or change a setting) with a few clicks of the mouse. Changes such as new SSO enabled applications are easily distributed to users by publishing them in the Directory.
- Changes you make to Organizational Units are automatically applied to all users who reside there. For example, you can publish an application once at the OU and it is automatically inherited by all users in that OU and below.
- Changes you make to GPO will apply to all users that are associated with the GPO.
You are able to perform all management tasks centrally including:
- Set preferences to determine SecureLogin’s behavior
- Publish SSO enabled applications
- Manage logins
- Set password policies
- Copy settings
- Predefine passphrase questions, help text etc
You can also set user specific applications or settings if required. User specific settings override Container settings. In the event one setting is defined on the user object and another is defined on the Container the user object resides in, the setting on the user object applies.