Unable to load access library (moses.dll)

  • 7940135
  • 19-Aug-2009
  • 26-Apr-2012

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SecureLogin SSO
All Versions
MS AD, LDAP, NT4, Citrix, Terminal Services



Customer logging onto NT4 as the primary network authentication wanted to use eDirectory as the SecureLogin data store. They plan to use eDirectory as their Metadirectory and use technology such as DirXML etc.

They installed SecureLogin in eDirectory mode without the Novell client installed.

When they ran SecureLogin the following error appeared;

Unable to load access library (moses.dll)



To run SecureLogin in eDirectory or eDirectory with SecretStore mode, the Novell client must be installed. If using eDirectory without the Novell client, consider installing SecureLogin in LDAP mode.


The customer uninstalled SecureLogin, rebooted the workstation and then installed SecureLogin in LDAP mode.