Log file ssodebug.txt not being created

  • 7940131
  • 19-Aug-2009
  • 26-Apr-2012

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SecureLogin SSO
All Versions
MS AD, LDAP, NT4, Citrix, Terminal Services



Customer wanted to enable the SecureLogin Single Sign-On diagnostic log on a user’s workstation. They used the SLLoggingManager.exe tool as instructed by support.

However, the log file debug.txt is not being created on the root of C: as expected.



Check the local workstation policy/security settings. The log file will not be created unless you are logged in as an account with rights to the root of drive C. Write access to the root of C drive is needed to create the log file.

Note: Rights are also needed to install the SecureLogin client and write the cache to the local hard disk.


To correct the problem, grant the user temporary access to write to the root of drive C: or log back on to the workstation with an account that has the required access.

In Version 3.5 Service Pack 1 and later, the ssodebug.txt log file is created under;

""%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\SecureLogin\Logs""

It is typically c:\windows\documents and settings\username etc.

If the %USERPROFILE% environment variable is not set (e.g. Windows 9x), the log will be written to a log directory under the installation directory. The installation directory is read from the following registry key:

""HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/App Paths/SecureLogin/Path""