Source Machine Missing Networking Components

  • 7921077
  • 07-Jun-2008
  • 27-Apr-2012


PlateSpin Migrate, Protect, and Forge with a Windows source server.


Discovered source machine is missing networking information. Entering the Advanced menu or Wizard to configure the conversion job displays "Index outside the bounds of the array" error.


Most commonly this is caused by a corrupt WMI provider on the source machine. Often due to third party network management utilities such as the Broadcom Management suite.

Confirm the reason for missing networking information

Run the following steps from the PowerConvert Server.

  1. Click 'Start' --> 'Run' --> Type 'wbemtest'
  2. Click 'Connect'
  3. Change 'root\default' to '\\<Source Server>\root\cimv2' 
  4. Input the user name and password of the account used to discover the machine 
  5. Click 'Connect'
  6. Click 'Query'
  7. Enter the following query (without quotes) "SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter where MACAddress <> NULL"
  8. The screenshots below indicate a corrupt WMI provider for the network components.

Remote WMI test:

Same query's result when run locally:



Repair the corrupt WMI provider

Uninstalling the third-party management utilities or upgrading to the latest version of the utility can resolve this issue.

For more information please contact your third-party vendor. 

If you have any questions regarding the above information, please contact