Target machine boots under PlateSpin control after a successful Restore

  • 7920822
  • 13-Nov-2006
  • 26-Apr-2012


PlateSpin Protect



After completing a successful Restore, upon a subsequent reboot - the target virtual machine boots under PlateSpin control:


In some cases, the target virtual machine may be operating normally but the winpe.iso is still attached which could cause problems in the future.


This behavior may occur if a previous incremental synchronization had failed and the PlateSpin winpe.iso is still attached to the target virtual machine.


To resolve this issue, the following steps are required:

  1. Power off the target virtual machine (if it is still booted with the winpe.iso)
  2. Detach the winpe.iso from the virtual CD Rom drive using the management console
  3. Power on the target machine - it should now continue to boot into its native operating system