VMware Tools SVGA driver does not get installed on the target machine

  • 7920802
  • 16-Oct-2006
  • 27-Apr-2012


PlateSpin Migrate


When performing a conversion of a Windows NT 4.0 server source machine to a VMware Infrastructure 3 Server with the "Install VMware Tools" option selected, the SVGA driver is not installed on the target machine.

Please note that VMware Tools requires SP6 for NT 4.0 source machines.  Also, even after manually installing VMware Tools on an NT 4.0 SP6 target machine, the SVGA driver is still not installed and the VMware Tools install displays the following message after the rest of the tools are installed:

"The Display Properties dialog box has been opened to help you finish installing your SVGA drivers".




To complete the installation, follow these steps:
  1. If the VMware Tools installer is prompting for a reboot, please select "No".
  2. Click the Display Type button. A Display Type dialog box appears.
  3. Click the Change button. The Change Display dialog box appears.
  4. Select VMware, Inc. from the Manufacturer list.
  5. Select VMware SVGA II as the display adapter and click OK.
  6. Click Yes in response to the on-screen question about third-party drivers to install the driver, then click OK to confirm the drivers were installed.
  7. Click Close from the Display Type dialog box, then click Close from the Display Properties dialog box.
  8. Click Yes to restart Windows NT and start using the new video driver.

After performing the above steps, the SVGA driver should now be installed.
If you have any questions regarding this article, please contact PlateSpin Support:  support@platespin.com