This article discusses information regarding the following error message that may appear when attempting to add a machine to the inventory:
"Could not find file "\\<servername>\admin$\<servername_randomID>.xml"
This error will is most likely to occur when attempting to add a Windows NT 4.0 Server with an older version of WMI Core installed to the PowerRecon inventory. To verify the version of WMI installed on the server, please check the following:
- Locate the wbemcore.dll file in the \winnt\system32\wbem directory
- Right click on the wbemcore.dll file and select Properties
- Check the version number of the file. If the version number is not 1.50.xxxx, it is recommended that you upgrade the WMI core to V1.5 which can be downloaded from the following Microsoft site: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=C174CFB1-EF67-471D-9277-4C2B1014A31E
- Once WMI v1.5 has been installed, rediscover the server
Also, in some cases, reinstalling WMI 1.5 may also resolve the issue.
NOTE: If this error still occurs is occurring when attempting to add a Windows 2000/2003 Server or after installing WMI 1.5 on your Windows NT 4.0 Server, please use the recommended solution below:
- Please ensure that you can remotely access the Admin$ share of the machine you are attempting to add from the PowerRecon server, if you can - proceed to step 2, if not - please enable the share and try the discovery again
- Navigate to the C:\Program Files\PlateSpin PowerRecon 2.0 Server\Web\Inventory directory
- Using a text editor, open the web.config file
- In the web.config file, the following entry is located near the end of the file:
<add key= "ForceMachineDiscoveryUsingService" value="false" />
Change the value in this line so that it is set to "true" instead:
<add key="ForceMachineDiscoveryUsingService" value="true " /> - Save the changes to the web.config file
- Re-run the job to add the server to the PowerRecon Inventory.