Configure a conversion job to use 100/Full or 1000/Full Duplex settings

  • 7920337
  • 09-Aug-2005
  • 27-Apr-2012


This article outlines how to configure Portability Suite to use 100 Mbit or 1000 Mbit Full Duplex settings.


Portability Suite allows the user to force the network adapter of a physical source machine (while under PlateSpin control) to use 100 Mbit Full Duplex.  This feature may be required in situations where the hubs/switches in the network environment are set to 100 Mbit Full Duplex and cannot be changed to Auto Negotiation.


To configure the conversion job to use 100 Mbit Full Duplex, the following steps are required:
For Windows source servers:
  1. Launch the Portability Suite Client
  2. In the Server view, drag and drop the source server to the target virtual host.  The PlateSpin Conversion screen should be displayed.
  3. Under Job Configuration, click on "Take Control"
  4. Ensure that "Custom" is selected under the Source Server section on the left hand pane
  5. Click on the "Configure" button
  6. Under the NIC tab, select the Full Duplex Setting you want to use (Auto Negotiate Full Duplex is the default)
  7. Click on "Ok" to apply the changes and proceed with the conversion
For Linux source servers:
Linux source server duplex configuration can be set through Tools --> Options --> Default Job Values (tab) --> Take Control Duplex Settings. This setting will apply to all Take Control conversion performed through the Portability Suite Server.
NOTE:  For Broadcom based Gigabit network adapters, the recommended setting to use is Auto Negotiate Full Duplex as it is currently not possible to force 1000 Full Duplex with the Broadcom drivers.  For more information please see TID 7920827