Insufficient Privilege error during the Take Control step

  • 7920266
  • 07-Jun-2005
  • 26-Apr-2012


Tdiscusses the "Insufficient Privilege" failure error during the "Taking Control" Step of the source machine (i.e. Step 6.3.1)his **INTERNAL** article

Applies to:  PowerP2V v4.0.3


This error is most likely to occur if PowerP2V is unable to communicate with the source machine during this stage of the conversion via WMI.  As a result, the conversion job fails with the following error:

Convert Physical Machine <SERVERNAME> into Virtual Machine <SERVERNAME VM> in <VMware/MSVS Server>  on <NAME OF TARGET HOST>
Taking Control

Unable to take control of server
Insufficient privilege
Started: 05/06/2005 9:08:25 AM
Completed: 05/06/2005 9:11:58 AM




  1. Navigate to the C:\Program Files\PlateSpin PowerP2V Server\Web directory
  2. Using a text editor, open the web.config file
  3. In the web.config file, the following 2 entries are located near the end of the file:

    <add key="ForceMachineDiscoveryUsingService" value="false" />

    Change the value in this line so that it is set to "true" instead:

    <add key="ForceMachineDiscoveryUsingService" value="true" />

  4. Save the changes to the web.config file
  5. Retry the conversion