NetIQ Secure Configuraiton Manager 5.8
NetIQ Security Agent for Unix 5.6
NetIQ Security Agent for Unix 7.1
My unix agent is registered to another core services what do I do?
Manual reset of SCM encryption Keys for 7.1 and 5.6 Unix Agents
1) Remove the system from SCM under IT Assets in both the Managed Groups and Managed Systems
tabs by right clicking on the host, then select Delete. Also check under > Agents > OS
> Unix and remove it here if its still exists. It should get removed from this location
when removed from Managed Groups but in some rare cases it remains.
2) Remove the key files from the Unix agent. Note that PSHOME below refers to the agent base
installation directory. If its value is not known then look in /etc/vsaunix.cfg to findfor
this value. {OS} applies to the 5.6 agent only and is value can be found bu running the
uname -s command on the Unix OS.
a) 5.6 Unix Agent
> Run the PSHOME/vsaunix/{OS}/vsau/bin/stopca script to stop the VigilEntAgent
process. If a ps command still shows it running after the script completes
it can be stopped with kill -9.
> Remove any of the following files if they exist.
- PSHOME/vsaunix/{OS}/vsau/local/cache/secret827
- PSHOME/vsaunix/{OS}/vsau/local/cache/secretkey827
- PSHOME/vsaunix/{OS}/vsau/local/cache/Agent827.guid
- PSHOME/vsaunix/{OS}/vsau/local/cache/Endpoint203.guid
- PSHOME/vsaunix/{OS}/vsau/local/cache/va
- PSHOME/vsaunix/{OS}/cmnagent/tmp/*
b) 7.1 Unix Agent
> Run the PSHOME/netiq/vsau/bin/stopca script to stop the VigilEntAgent process.
If a ps command still shows it running after the script completes it can be
stopped with kill -9.
> Remove any of the following files if they exist.
- PSHOME/netiq/vsau/local/cache/secret827
- PSHOME/netiq/vsau/local/cache/secretkey827
- PSHOME/netiq/vsau/local/cache/Agent827.guid
- PSHOME/netiq/vsau/local/cache/Endpoint203.guid
- PSHOME/netiq/vsau/local/cache/va
- PSHOME/netiq/cmnagent/tmp/*
3) Re-add the system back into Secure Configuration Manager Console
> Right click on Manage Systems > Manage System
> Follow the wizard and re-add the system
4) Test the endpoint to see if its working OK
> Run the 'System Uptime' task. This will validate that the encryption keys to get
SCM back onto the agent are working or not.
> Also run the check 'Accounts with UID of 0' to test the check portion of the agent.
Tasks and checks are run differently. In some cases tasks might work and checks not.
If this is the case then please contact NetIQ Support.
The domain keys for the Unix agent originally registered core sevices have been lost or are out of snyc and the new need created.