How do I determine if I'm having a Linked Server problem in SQL between the NQCCDB and a QDB? (NETIQKB73226)

  • 7773226
  • 02-Nov-2011
  • 23-Jan-2012


NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x
NetIQ AppManager 8.0
Microsoft SQL 2005
Microsoft SQL 2008


How do I determine if I'm having a Linked Server problem in SQL between the Control Center Database (NQCCDB) and an AppManager Repository Database (QDB)?


In SQL Management Studio, run the following query against the NQCCDB Database:

Select * from <hostname>.<qdb>.dbo.object

Replace <hostname> with the name of the SQL Server hosting the repository in question, and replace <QDB> with the actual repository name (which is QDB by default).

If you get rows returned, you do not have a linked server problem.  If you get an error, you have a Linked Server issue.  NetIQ is not responsible for Linked Server issues, you should work with a SQL Server Administrator or Microsoft to resolve this issue.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB73226