How do I improve the time of sync an External Repository? (NETIQKB73215)

  • 7773215
  • 21-Oct-2011
  • 04-Nov-2011


NetIQ VigilEnt Policy Center 5.x


How do I improve the time of sync an External Repository?


If VPC behaves during the sync process is taking a lot of time to add a new external repository, then we recommend that you run the Microsoft SQL Index Defrag script which you can find at (Examples > Section B. Using DBCC SHOWCONTIG and DBCC INDEXDEFRAG to defragment the indexes in a database)  Running the Index Defrag script you should expect an improvement in the time of sync a new external repository. 

To execute the Index Defrag script:

  1. Login into SQL Query Analyzer as "vpc_user" or the name that was selected in the NetIQ-VPC installation process.
  2. Execute the Defrag Script. It is very important that you execute this script with the name of the user was selected in the NetIQ-VPC installation process.


VPC allows for AD users & groups to be synced into VPC as VPC users & Groups. Sometimes the process of syncing AD into VPC can take longer than normal. Its possible there might be some fragmentation of the VPC Database in SQL.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB73215

NetIQ STRONGLY recommends taking a complete / full back up of the VPC database prior to any changes being made. The cleanup script is coppied out to the VPC Server local file system after the VPC Install is complete. The Clean Up Script is located in the following location:

<Path to VPC Install Folder>\NetIQ\VigilEnt Policy Center\database\cleanup