Unable to delete Network Device entry in Custom tab of AppManager Security Manager (NETIQKB73202)

  • 7773202
  • 10-Oct-2011
  • 10-Oct-2011


NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x
NetIQ AppManager Network Device Module
Microsoft SQL Server


Unable to delete Network Device entry in Custom tab of AppManager Security Manager
Error: could not find server in sys.servers use addlinked server to add server to sys.servers


1 - Run the following query against the Master database:

select @@servername

If it doesn't return the correct SQL Server name, then do the following:

sp_dropserver 'XXX'
where XXX is the incorrect server name

then run

sp_addserver 'YYY', 'local'
where YYY is the correct server name

restart the SQL Server service and the SQL Agent service then try

select @@servername

It should return the right SQL Server name and then you should be able to delete entries from the Custom tab in AppManager Security Manager


The registered SQL Server name is not the correct server name.  Usually is the fact if the SQL Server was cloned.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB73202