Directory & Resource Administrator 8.5x
Directory & Resource Administrator 8.6x
Netiq Reporting Center 1.0
Netiq Reporting Center 1.5
How to deploy reports in NRC
How do I deploy reports from the Netiq Reporting Center?
How do I deploy reports from the Netiq Reporting Center?
To configure NRC to deploy reports to SSRS:
- Connect to the NRC Console as an account with permissions in the NRC as well as Deploy Report permissions within SSRS.
- Locate & Execute the report to be deployed
- Once the report has sucessfully executed once, choose the Deploy Report button
- Ensure that the Report Server Location points to the Web Site for SSRS ** Note: This is different than the NRC & DRA Web Sites. The default SSRS Web Site is often http://SQLSERVERNAME/ReportServer
- Put a Check in the Box for Enable Subscription
- Choose Select Shared Report Server Data Source ** Note: If there are no pre-existing data sources the wizard will prompt you to create a data source.
- Edit the Data Source by clicking the Edit Link
- The Data Source Connection String should be the URL for the NRC Web Site (ACWebService)
- Connect Using should use the Credentials stored securely in the report Server. This account will be the account that executes the SQL needed to build the report. The account will need permissions in SSRS & SQL Database Engine as well. There is no other Check box below that will need to be enabled.
- Click Apply to save the changes
- Return back to the NRC & Deploy Report Wizzzard
- Choose the Delivery Method ** Note: The aviaible methods are configured directly on the SSRS.
- After completing the configuration click Deploy
The NRC feature of DRA allows a user to have reports delivered outside of the NRC. The NRC provides an interface within the console to configure the settings for SQL Reporting Services. Prior to using the deploy reports, SSRS will need to be installed in your environment. Once the SSRS is installed and configured, NRC can be configured to leverage the features of SSRS.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB73176
To view the report on the SSRS:
Connect to the SSRS Web site, Navigate to the Folder Containning the Report, Click the Report Link View the completed Report.
To View the Subsription Status Click on the Subscriptions Tab after viewing the Report. The status can take a short amount of time to update after deploying the report from the NRC.