How do I enable logging for the Aegis Business Service? (NETIQKB73128)

  • 7773128
  • 05-Aug-2011
  • 05-Aug-2011


NetIQ Aegis - All versions


How do I enable logging for the Aegis Business Service?


To enable NetIQ Aegis Business Service logging, follow the process below:

  1. On the server hosting the NetIQ Aegis Business Services, open a command line prompt as Administrator.
  2. Type the following command to stop the NetIQ Aegis Business Services:
    • NET STOP AegisBusinessServices
  3. Allow the service to stop completely.
  4. Type the following command in the same command line window:
    • NET START AegisBusinessServices -noservice
  5. Allow for the service to restart.
  6. Logging is now enabled and the .nq1 files for the NetIQ Aegis Business Services can be found in the following location:
    • {Install Drive}\Program Files\Aegis\bussrv\logs  - On a 32 Bit install.
    • {Install Drive}\Program Files(x86)\Aegis\bussrv\logs  - On a x64 installation

To view these logs you will need a separate tool available from Technical Support, however for most situations sending the logs to support is all that is required.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB73128