How do I restore Column Headers that I've removed from Service Map Views? (NETIQKB73112)

  • 7773112
  • 29-Jul-2011
  • 01-Aug-2011


NetIQ AppManager 7.0.4
NetIQ Control Center 7.0.4


How do I restore Column Headers that I've removed from Service Map Views?
There is no obvious tool or widget to add colums back into a view such as Events or Jobs, in a Service Map, once those columns have been removed.


The following solution will reset ALL views (Jobs, Events, etc) for an affected Service Map View, for the affected User.

To resolve this issue, begin by closing all open Control Center Consoles, and then execute each of the following queries against the NQCCDB:

  1. Obtain AccountID for desired user

    Run this query, and write down the AccountID value for the affected user.

    Select * from Account

  2. Obtain the ObjectID for the desired Service Map

    Run this query, and then copy the ObjectID value for the affected Service Map

    Select * from Object where Type = 'NQCCServiceMap'

  3. Clean up all user properties for the desired Service Map View

    Run this query, inserting the Account ID in place of <AccountID> and pasting in the ObjectID for the Service Map in place of <ObjectID>

    DELETE from Property where AccountID = <AccountID> and Scope = '<ObjectID>'

    An example of the third query with values:

    DELETE from Property where AccountID = 3 and Scope = '12345-1243545-234553634534'

Once the third query is completed, launch a Control Center Console, and have the affected user login and verify that the different views for that Service Map now display all the original columns.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB73112