How to disable IPv6 on a Windows 2008 Management Server (NETIQKB73105)

  • 7773105
  • 21-Jul-2011
  • 21-Jul-2011


NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x
NetIQ AppManager 8.x
Microsoft Windows 2008


How do I disable IPv6 on a Management Server running Windows 2008.
Some agents may not be able to recieve jobs because IPv6 is enabled on the management server and the AllowMS registry has a management server name that cannot be resolved.


The following Microsoft article can be followed to make the changes to disable IPv6.

Restart the Machine after making these changes.


By default the IPv6 protocol comes enabled on Microsoft Windows 2008.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB73105

Sample from ListMS command if IPv6 is enabled. The '::1' indicates an IPv6 Address.

                PrimaryMS     =>  ::1  ManagementServer01

                SecondaryMS   =>  ManagementServer02

                CurrentMS     =>  ::1  ManagementServer01

                JobRefcnt     =>  7

                UseMS IP      =>  1

                MSstatus      =>  Up

                Sendvia       =>  ccm

                SetMS Time    =>  Wed Jul 20 13:36:45 2011