How do I reorder GUIDs on GPOs after applying GPA Hotfix 72932?
Download and run the GPA GUID Reordering Tool (GPAGUIDReordering.exe) on any GPOs edited with the GPO Editor console of GPA that you have not edited since applying GPA Hotfix 72932. Hotfix 72932 addresses an issue where the GPO Editor saves internal settings identifiers (GUIDs) in incorrect order. (For more information, see the GPA 6.2 Hotfix 72932 Release Notes.) After applying Hotfix 72932, any GPO edited using GPA will have the settings stored in the correct order.
Use this tool to correct the internal ordering for any GPOs that have not been modified using the GPO Editor since applying the hotfix. Then, re-export all modified GPOs to ensure the correct ordering of GUID computer and user extension attributes in AD. You should also run the tool against any AD GPOs that were edited using the GPA 6.2 console before applying Hotfix 72932.
The tool provides command-line parameters that let you control whether the tool updates GPOs in AD or in the GP Repository. Additional parameters allow you to indicate specific paths or a single GPO. The tool can be run multiple times against a path or GPO.
The GUID Reordering Tool saves changes to a log file in the same directory where the tool resides. Refer to this log file to review which GPOs the tool updated in the GP Repository and in AD. You can then re-export the modified GPOs to AD. For more information, see "Exporting a GPO" in the NetIQ Group Policy Administrator User Guide.
Before running the GPA GUID Reordering Tool against a GP repository domain or GPO, verify that no GPOs are in a Checked Out status. You can verify the status by selecting the All folder for the domain in left pane of the GP Repository and reviewing the GPO statuses in the right pane.
If you run the tool against a GP Repository domain and a GPO is in Checked Out status, checking in the GPO may overwrite the GUID reordering changes made by the tool. Either check in all GPOs before running the tool against the GP Repository domain, or re-run the tool against the GP Repository domain after checking in the GPOs.
When you run the GPA GUID Reordering Tool against the GP Repository, the tool modifies the most current version of the GPO(s) and adds a comment to the GPO history indicating that the GPO was updated. Refer to this GPO history if you are unsure if the GPA GUID Reordering Tool updated GUID ordering for a particular GPO.
System Requirements
The GPA GUID Reordering Tool requires NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 6.2 with Hotfix 72932.
Downloading This Tool
Complete the following steps to download and run the GPA GUID Reordering Tool.
- Download GPAGUIDReordering.zip to a shared folder in your network directory.
- Log on to the GPA Console computer with Administrator rights.
- Copy and extract the GPA GUID Reordering Tool to the GPA Installation Path\Tools folder.
- Open the command-line window.
- Run the tool, located in the GPA Installation Path\Tools folder, from the command line.
- For more information, refer to the command-line Help in the tool by entering the GPAGUIDReordering /? at the command-line.
You must have the following permissions and account access to run the tool successfully in the GP Repository or AD:
- To update GPOs in the GP Repository, run this tool with a domain user account that has at least a GPO Editor role in the GP Repository and the DB_Owner role in the GPO_Repository database.
- To update GPOs in AD, run the tool with a domain user account that has GPO Editor rights in the specified GPOs or domain.