Directory & Resource Administrator 8.6x
To migrate Log Archive Data to a new DRA server:
Copy the NetIQLogArchiveData folder to the DRA installation folder ( \Program Files (x86)\NetIQ\DRA) on the new server to a folder having a name that does not conflict with the existing NetIQLogArchiveData folder. You might want to choose a name that includes the name of the old server. Next, from the Start menu of the server where you copied the folder, start NetIQ Security Manager > Configuration > Log Archive Configuration. Choose the Add button to add a new Log Archive. Specify a name that differs from any already in the list, e.g. LogArchive. You might choose a name that includes the original server name. Navigate to the copied folder. Accept the Maximum Size that is entered for you and choose OK. Check the box labelled "Read-Only" for the new archive (NOT the one that was already there). Choose Close to dismiss the configuration dialog.
Assure that the NetIQ Core Service and the NetIQ Log Archive Service are started on the DRA Servers in the Multi-master set.
You should now be able to issue requests specifying time periods that include changes made on the old server. You will also see the name of the old DRA server in the "DRA Server Name" column. However, you will NOT be able to specify the old server name in the "Restrict query to these DRA servers". Support for the dialog actually attempts to contact any server mentioned in the list. Nevertheless, if you restrict your query to the server where you've copied the old Log Archive folder, you'll see entries describing operations that were performed on the old server, if there are any.