NetIQ AppMaanger 7.0.x
In order to check out all KS's for a specific KS Catagory (the NT catagory of KSs, for example), open a command prompt on an Operator Console system and type the following command:
kscheckout ?e servername:databasename:login:password ?d c:\KS\\ -k NT_*:4: -o
Servername - name of the server where the qdb is
Databasename - name of the appmanager repository database
Login - sql login with rights to checkout a KS.
Password - associated password
-d is the destination directory
-k is the checkout KS option. The format of it (scriptname:version:filepath) does not have to be complete. In this example all the ks's for the NT group will be checked out. The 4 is necessary. For another group such as sql you would use the following -k SQL_*:4:
You will need to do this for each KS tab in the Operator Console.