How to I check what Hotfixes have been applied to a 7.1 UNIX agent? (NETIQKB73000)

  • 7773000
  • 31-May-2011
  • 31-May-2011


  • NetIQ 7.1 UNIX Agent


How do I check which Hotfixes / Patches have been applied to the NetIQ 7.1 UNIX Agent?


To check applied patches / hotfixes through the UNIX Agent Manager:

  1. Open the UNIX Agent Manager.
  2. Under Agent Manager, select the UNIX system you want to check the patch history on.
  3. Choose Hosts --> Patch History.
  4. Ensure the correct system is selected in the top box and press View to see Hotfixes / Patches applied.

To check applied patches / hotfixes manually on the UNIX/Linux System:

  1. Locate the NetIQ UNIX Agent install directory:
    1. cat /etc/vsaunix.cfg | grep PSHOME=
  2. Change to the main agent bin directory (<PSHOME>/netiq/bin)
  3. Execute ./wcPatch LIST
  4. If no results are returned, no Patches / Hotfixes have been applied to this UNIX Agent.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB73000

If you have additional questions on the 7.1 UNIX Agent Hotfix process, please feel free to contact NetIQ technical support.