How do I verify whether or not an AppManager agent is using RPC Encryption? (NETIQKB72997)

  • 7772997
  • 27-May-2011
  • 15-Feb-2012


NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x
NetIQ AppManager 8.0.x


How do I remove existing RPC Encryption mode in AppManager?
How do I verify whether or not an AppManager agent is using RPC Encryption?


To verify the current security level for an AppManager agent, run the following command from a Command Prompt on the agent computer

  nqkeygenwindows - agentseclev

The security level can be determined remotely from another agent machine, Management Server, or Console by using the following command:

  nqkeygenwindows -remoteseclev machinename

The Windows registry on an agent contains the RPC encryption settings:

String : RPC Encryption
String:  RPC Authentication

  • OFF = 0
  • ON = 1

You can change the setting for RPC encryption using the NQKeyGenWindows utility.  For a list of valid parameters and options, execute NQKeyGenWindows from a command prompt.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB72997

For complete instructions regarding Secure Communication for AppManager Agents, please refer to the NetIQ AppManager Administrator Guide.