Error 12175 When trying to use self signed certificates for a secure web recorder transaction (NETIQKB72990)

  • 7772990
  • 26-May-2011
  • 27-May-2011


NetIQ AppManager 6.x
NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x
NetIQ AppManager Response Time for Web


NetIQ AppManager Response Time for Web generates an event with status code 12175: Unfamiliar with the certificate authority that generated the server's certificate.
The transaction appears to work properly for Web Recorder and Url Check Recorder.


On the machine that is running the transaction do the following:

  1. Start > Run > mmc
  2. File > Add / Remove Snap-in
  3. Click Add
  4. Choose Certificates
  5. Choose Computer Account
  6. Choose Local Computer, click finish
  7. Click Close, Click Ok
  8. Expand Certificates > Trusted Root Certification Authorities
  9. Right Click Certificates > All Tasks > Import...
  10. Browse to the certificate for the Certificate Authority that signed the SSL certificate for the website and import it.
  11. Finish the wizard, restart the agent and run the NetIQ AppManager Response Time for Web job again.



The Certificate Store contains trusted certificates for the user, however it does not contain certificates for the computer account. A trusted certificate is installed by the user browsing to the website to setup the transaction, however the certificate for the computer account needs to be setup manually. This behavior is typical when the certificate is self-signed or signed by a Certificate Authority unknown to the computer.  The certificate for the Certificate Authority must be added so the computer can properly authenticate the certificate from the destination website.

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