Configuration considerations for Analysis Center when installed on a cluster virtual server or non-default instance and port (NETIQKB72909)

  • 7772909
  • 05-Apr-2011
  • 22-Feb-2012


NetIQ Analysis Center 2.7
NetIQ Analysis Center 2.7.5
Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Microsoft SQL Server 2008


Configuration considerations for Analysis Center when installed on a cluster virtual server or non-default instance and port


-Registry key MAY need to be modified temporarily with the Virtual Server name for some component configurations during installation or when adding a data source

-ALL servers participating in the cluster & hosting Analysis Center components MUST be configured using the same SQL collation, language & regional settings options

-Remote Registry Service MUST be enabled & started on all computers hosting Analysis Center components

-Verify you can connect to SSIS configured on each node of the cluster using SQL Management Studio

-All computer accounts participating in the cluster node must be trusted for delegation in Active Directory

-If using Windows Authentication, the same account must be used for all SQL & IIS services & the account must be trusted for delegation in Active Directory

-If using Windows Authentication ONLY:

-All SQL Server component services must have a Service Principle Name.

-SQL Server Alias may need to be created for each SQL instance hosted on the cluster

-MSDTC may need to be configured as a cluster resource for each of the SQL instances.  Windows 2008 supports multiple MSDTC instances in a clustered environment

-Ensure MSDTC resources are started prior the SQL Server resources

Non-Default SQL Port Configuration Considerations

-Specify the TCP port number in the connection string. For example, if your virtual SQL Server is named VSERVER1, and it is listening on TCP/IP port number 2433, your connection string will contain the following attributes:

Data Source=VSERVER1\instancename,2433;

-Create a SQL Server alias on each client by using the Client Network Utility. In the alias, specify the Net-Library to use (TCP/IP), and the port number. Use this alias in your connection string, and do not specify the Network Library attribute in your connection string.

-It may be needed to specify the data mart SQL Server name such as ?Q4DE9JSYA72\INST2,1433? in the Data Source Wizard or create an alias on local machine with name ?Q4DE9JSYA72\INST2? and configure it to use TCP/IP with port 1433.

More information regarding these recommended configurations can be found in the following Microsoft Support Knowledge Base Articles:

BUG: Cannot connect to a clustered named instance through a firewall

FIX: Error message when you connect to a named instance of SQL Server on a client computer that is running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008: "Specified SQL server not found" or "Error Locating Server/Instance Specified"


Windows 2008 has some expanded new features for hosting MSDTC on clustered resources such as multiple MSDTC instances that may complicate cluster configuration.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB72909