Event Count & Event Occurrence values appear inaccurate or wrong in Analysis Center report results (NETIQKB72816)

  • 7772816
  • 17-Feb-2011
  • 22-Feb-2012


NetIQ Analysis Center 2.7.x


Event Count & Event Occurrence values appear inaccurate or wrong in Analysis Center report results
How do I interpret results for Event Count & Event Occurrence in Analysis Center reports


Analysis Center refers to event count & event occurrence based on their field names in the database.  This is opposite to how the AppManager documentation & Operator Console GUI refer to them which may lead to some confusion when interpreting report results for the values in Analysis Center.  Bearing this mind, the event count & event occurrences from AppManager are referenced in Analysis Center in the following way:

-Event Count meaning in Analysis Center is analogous to Event Occurrence references in AppManager
-Event Occurrence meaning in Analysis Center is analogous to Event Count references in AppManager


AppManager naming conventions in the Operator Console refer to Event Count and Event Occurrence differently than they are represented in Analysis Center leading to confusion of the report results.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB72816