hot fix 72811for SM6.5.2 (NETIQKB72811)

  • 7772811
  • 15-Feb-2011
  • 10-Jun-2011


Security Manager 6.5.2

hot fix 72811


Optimizes Control Center Startup Process - This Hotfix resolves an issue where if a user who belongs to a large number of Active Directory groups starts the Security Manager Control Center, Security Manager might take a significant amount of time to display the Control Center. After you apply this Hotfix, when a user starts the Control Center, Security Manager displays the Control Center much more quickly, regardless of the number of groups to which the user belongs. (ENG296363)
Improves Central Computer Domain Handling - This Hotfix resolves an issue where if the central computer cannot communicate with an Active Directory network or domain, the NetIQ Security Manager Core service on the central computer does not start. (ENG303057)

For more information about the issues resolved with this Hotfix, see NetIQ Knowledge Base article NETIQKB72811.


Installing This Hotfix
Complete the following steps to install this Hotfix on all central computers and computers with Security Manager Control Center installed.

When you apply Security Manager 6.5.2 Hotfix 72811 to a computer, the setup program automatically stops all Security Manager services and applications, including the OnePointActiveOpsDas COM+ application. After installing the Hotfix, the setup program restarts all stopped services and applications.
If you apply Security Manager 6.5.2 Hotfix 72811 to a computer and then install one or more additional Security Manager 6.5.2 components on that computer, the Security Manager 6.5.2 setup program installs the original Security Manager 6.5.2 files over any files modified by the Hotfix. After installing the new components, you must re-apply the Hotfix to the modified computer.

To install this Hotfix on Windows Server 2003 computers:

1. Log on to the central computer or Security Manager Control Center computer using an account that is a member of the local Administrators group.
2. Run the SM65200_Hotfix72811.msp file on the computer.
3. Follow the instructions in the setup program until you have finished installing the Hotfix.
4. Repeat Steps 1 through 3 for each central computer or Security Manager Control Center computer in your configuration group.

To install this Hotfix on Windows Server 2008 computers:

1. Log on to the central computer or Security Manager Control Center computer using an account that is a member of the local Administrators group.
2. Click the Start menu and navigate to the Command Prompt tool.
3. Right-click Command Prompt and select Run as administrator.
4. If User Account Control prompts you to confirm, click Yes.
5. In the command-line interface, type SM65200_Hotfix72811.msp and then press Enter.
6. Follow the instructions in the setup program until you have finished installing the Hotfix.
7. Repeat Steps 1 through 6 for each central computer or Security Manager Control Center computer in your configuration group.

Please contact us with your questions and comments. We look forward to hearing from you.

For detailed contact information, see the Support Contact Information Web site.


Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB72811